
"Rubbing my nails together gave me good results": A Relaxed Hair Health Reader Experience

About a year ago, I wrote a post about rubbing the nails together to promote healthy hair. After writing that entry, I was pleasantly surprised to receive several comments from folks who tried this technique and experienced great results. One such experience comes from a reader who contacted me yesterday telling me all about her nail rubbing experience.

Here's what she shared:

"I was reading about the posting you had about rubbing your fingernails together.
I tried it and it really works. My hairstylist who is Cuban told me about it from
a stylist from India that works with her. And I still do it it's like a habit
now lol. She told me that the women from India would rub their finger tips
together to make their hair grow. She also showed me how it was done. From then on I would do it constantly while sitting in the chair getting my hair done at the shampoo bowl, or sitting under the dryer etc. I would massage my scalp afterwards. It just became a habit. I would feel tingling in my finger then going through my arms then my scalp would get tingley then itchy but I would keep doing it 'til I was tired."

During our email exchanges, she mentioned how over the past five months while continuing this practice, she's gotten good results. She was even gracious enough to share some pics of her gorgeous hair.

For those of you hearing about this technique for the first time, the "science" behind the theory of rubbing nails for healthy hair is linked to the art of reflexology where parts of the body are stimulated to active and heal other, specific areas. If you take a look at this diagram, the finger tips are connected with the top of head and brain. Thus, by rubbing the finger tips (nails), you are able to reach and stimulate the head and scalp.

In her book, Hand Reflexology: Key to Perfect Health, Mildred Carter devotes a chapter to stopping hair loss, growing new hair, and prevent grays through the use fo Reflexology. She shared the advice of another famous reflexologist, Dr Joe Shelby Riley, to rub the fingernails together 2-3 times a day for around 5 minutes a session. We can further enchance the experience by being intentional and visualizing the scalp as we rub our nails together. I'd like to thank the reader who reached out and reminded us of this wonderful practice. I myself saw some great results whenever I was consistently rubbing my nails. Perhaps, I can pair this habit this to my scalp massage practice as my reader did to help me remain consistent.

Here are a couple of the comments I received from other believers in this process. They shared their feedback with me when I first posted on this subject:

Anonymous said...
Hi, I have been rubbing my nails for the past 3 months and I have noticed I don't lose as much hair as I used to. I am 27 years old and my hair started thinning after using hair dyes and perming my hair twice when I was younger. But this technique has helped me in just 3 months my hair has stopped falling a lot and my hair looks healthy/shiny compared to before when it was dry and weak. I had lost some of my baby hairs but even that has come back. I realised this after my mother noticed that my hair doesn't look as thin as it did 3 months ago. I have also changed my diet, which means a lot of fruits and veg is involved, I make sure I drink 2 litres of water daily, massage my scalp for 5 minutes with my finger tips everyday and I do yoga everyday. All this is helping internally therefore I feel it's showing on the outside. Do try keep it up as I stopped few years ago and the hair thinning started showing it's ugly face. It's only after I realized how much I want my thick hair back I have kept it up.
Even I wanted quick results, but you have to be patient and keep it up.

December 21, 2010 11:07 AM

Anonymous said...
Hello there,

I've done this for quite a while, but I've always had great hair even when not doing it. I'm 28 and male, from Ireland. My hair was already Jet-black (always has been) but I am starting to see a blue'ish tint to it which I had when I was younger (around 20ish).

When I was younger I needed my hair cut every two weeks and my nails cut every other day because it grew so fast, it's slowed down as I've gotten older but since I've started doing this again (around 3 months ago) the exact same thing is happening, I'm needing to cut my hair at least once a month and my nails twice weekly.

I can't exactly tell you HOW this works, all I can see is that you will NOTICE considerable improvements. Trust me on this.

I rub my nails when I'm on the bus going into work (10-15 minutes) then at night before nodding off to sleep (around 20-25 minutes). I also rub my nails when I am stationary and not using my hands (I've done this since I was a kid)

Would love to hear about a blonde person doing this, and see'ing if their hair gets darker


October 10, 2010 8:06 AM

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