
Hair One vs WEN! The battle of all battles!

This is likely the most long awaited post I've ever done. Yes my friends, it's time for the battle of all battles, WEN vs Hair One. Let the games begin!

First, I need to start off by saying that this battle was supposed to take place months ago when I first experienced WEN's Sweet Almond Mint conditioning cleanser. This opponent, however, was quickly disqualified for not meeting minimum qualifications needed to become a serious contender. I think I used it twice, then quickly proceeded to calling customer service for immediate cancellation of the monthly automatic shipping. I really wanted to like this product but it offered nothing for me in the way of moisture. In fact, I haven't used it since I got off the phone with the customer service rep. I may go back and try to soup it up with some oils or something. Either way this was a first round knock-out against Hair One - no competition.

So let's move on to the real battle shall we? It's what you all came here to see. We all know that you guys have a taste for blood and want to watch as these to contenders fight to the death finish.

"Ding!" "Ding!" "Ding!"

In this corner we have Hair One coming in at only $11.00! Plus because it is sold at Sally's, you can easily take advantage of random sales and discount offers which can further lower the price. Another strength of Hair One is how readily available it is compared to it's contender. At first I could only find it at Sally's, now I have a choice of heading to my local Beauty Supply to pick up a bottle (or two).

WEN, on the other hand, goes for around $36.00 for 16 ounces. Add to that the fact that you can only get the product online. It's almost like they're saying "don't buy me, I'm expensive and hard to get." That's why it took me so long to write this post. I had to push through all the sense I had within me to pay nearly $40.00 for a glorified shampoo product.

So if you were to break it down to cost per ounces, Hair One is going for around $0.92 per ounce ($11.00/12 ounces). Wen is $2.25 per ounce (which still blows my mind by the way). I gonna have to give this round to Hair One. For $36.00 you could purchase 3 of the 4 varieties available and still have money left over for a piece of candy.

Many of the ingredients in both products are comparable. WEN, though, has around 7 fewer ingredients than it's contender. I also noticed that the order of the ingredients they have in common are somewhat different. Hair One has amodimethicone as #4 on the list. This same ingredient falls way lower in WENs composition. High up on WENs ingredient list are the numberous plant extracts which probably account for it's yummy smell. Hair One appears to have a few more harder to pronounce words than WEN. I felt I could make more sense of it's ingredient list than with Hair One. Some of the desirable ingredients I found in both products include: wheat protein, sweet almond oil, and Panthenol. Hair One also included Aloe Leaf Juice and Avocado oil into the mix. Even with the effort Hair One put in by including these oils, I still get the feeling that WEN is a more "natural" product compared to it's rival. So WEN wins this round.

Like I mentioned before, a lot of the ingredients are shared by both products so I figured that there shouldn't be much difference between the two. But boy was I wrong. The moment I got a whiff of the Honey Fig scent, I was hooked. It smells so much like a real fig. It doesn't smell like fragrance, it smells of natural extracts. That's probably why fragrance isn't listed as an ingredient (unlike it's rival). Once I got beyond the smell, I moved on to actually using the product. Just like WEN Sweet Almond Mint, Honey Fig is uber thick. I...like....that... Feels more like a "conditioner", conditioner instead of just a "cleansing" conditioner. The biggest difference between the Fig and Mint version of WEN, is the moisturizing quality. Fig feels good. Hair One feels good to but, honestly, Fig feels better. When I compare the consistency and feel of both products side by side, WEN feels smoother and creamier to touch when I rubbed it between my fingers. The experience is a bit more decadent.

*I do want to mention that the "creaminess test" was conducted with a newer bottle of WEN vs. an older bottle of Hair One.*

So over all, I feel like WEN Fig has an edge over Hair One when I compare the products side by side.

I think both products have the ability to get the job done. Both cleanse the hair without stripping it of it's natural oils etc. I feel like using a cleansing conditioner helps to continue the work of your pre-poo. Those of you familiar with this blog know that I've been signing the praises of Hair One for the longest. In fact, I made my youtube debut by doing a Hair One review. But honestly I feel like I've found a better product. Hair One is good, WEN Fig is better. It's thicker, creamier smells awesome and feels great. This doesn't mean I'll never use Hair One again. It's still a great product. I'm just glad to have access to the original product line that inspired Hair One's existence. WEN is definitely going on the staple list. I need to thank those of you who recommended WEN Fig to me. Good lookin' out.

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