
Sexy and shiny hair

Sexy and shiny hair

Tricks and tips for healthy hair look a

The dream of every woman is wearing a shiny, smooth hair, but sometimes is not easy to achieve. Our hair suffers a lot and sometimes loses its strength and brightness.

The long hours, the rush of everyday food and directly affect our hair. Sometimes, our budget or our mood does not allow us to be careful about our hair. Not to mention dryers, irons and apply foam almost every day on our hair with the consequences of these practices have on our hair.

The hair and our face is our mirror. This is why we must keep careful and all kinds of attention.


1. Avoid all products that dry and burn the hair. Do not abuse permanent dyes, or dryers and irons.

2. In wash your hair, apply the final rinse with cold water. This will close the cuticle and hair brighter born.

3. Change the shampoo you use often. Otherwise, your hair will get used to their property and they do not have the same effect on your scalp.

4. It is recommended to apply a nourishing mask once a week. To do this you can use the wide range that are in the market or produce a natural mask. The most widespread are created based on almond oil, vinegar or avocado.

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