
Morning by Morning Part 3: Loaded Oatmeal

Part 3 of my "Morning by Morning" series features a breakfast that I absolutely love. I call it my loaded oatmeal. Because this mix has so many ingredients, I had to strategize a bit on how to consolidate some of them into one container. So I decided to manage my powders by placing them in a dispensing unit. When I saw this cake sprinkles shaker at the store I knew it would be perfect.

After taking it apart I realized that I would be able to store up to four different types of powdered products into one easy to use container.

First I added chia seeds into the mix. These little guys are packed with loads of nutrition such as omega 3s & 6, protein, fiber, calcium, potassium and more.

I also added some powdered fiber to the dispenser since I happen to have some available. This fiber mix tastes slightly sweet so it also helps to sweeten my oatmeal.

Along with the fiber I also included some powdered probiotics as well.

And viola! I still have one section open. I think I may try storing a green powder blend as well. This little shaker sames me tons of time when I'm preparing my oatmeal. Here you can see a pic of the finished product. There's my chia seeds next to macca root powder.

Now that I got that out of the way, I move on to my other ingredients. I put everything in this oatmeal including coconut oil, flax seed oil (tasteless), black strap molassess (iron), sliced almonds (vitamin e).

I start off by adding chia seed to the hot water. Chia expands in water so I put it in first to absorb what it needs to before I add the oatmeal. If I add the chia seeds last, they won't have enough time to soften.

Next I add the oatmeal, macca root powder, fiber/probiotics, oils, and almonds. I also put in a little black strap molasses which drastically changes the color of my loaded oatmeal while adding a nice taste to the mix.

Finally, I may add some dehydrated goji berries to the mix. They start to re-hydrate a little as the mix stand.

I usually don't eat this right away. I allow all the ingredients to get to know each other a little first. When I eat this mix, most of the individual components are undetectable. I was really worried about the macca root powder since it has such a distinct taste. In my loaded oatmeal, I can't taste the difference. Which makes this a great way to add any ingredients that I'm not keen on but I know will give me great benefits.

This meal is probably the most nutritious that I ever created. It's such wonderful a collaboration of healthy ingredients and essential nutrients. Plus, because of it's high fiber content, I'm pretty much full for most of the day when I eat this one bowl. A co-worker of mine saw me eating this blend every morning and was really curious. I told her everything I put in there and she kinda made a slight face. A week later, she told me she started eating oatmeal in the mornings for breakfast. If you are inspired by this post but can't get down with all the wacky ingredients, no worries. Just start with a simple bowl of oatmeal and add extra fruit or nuts. Maybe it's not oatmeal at all. Prior to my loaded oatmeal, I was adding almonds and chia seeds to my favorite cereal. What I love about this mix is how great I feel about what I was able to accomplish first thing in the morning. Even if I have a fast food dinner, I know that my body received an amazing dose of nutrition at the start of the day. I'm still on the lookout for other ingredients to add to my loaded oatmeal so if you have any suggestions, please share.

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