
Curly Nikki Mizani Meet Up event (Pre-party)

Curly Nikki and Mizani were working together to hold an event in Orlando. Prior to the event festivities, Nikki sent out an open invitation to meet up with her for casual conversation. You know I was all over that! In fact, I was the first person to show up. Nikki graciously invited me, and the others who attended, to her hotel room where we could do what we do best...talk about hair. As we all talked, Nikki got up and went to the bathroom to take down her twists. That was my queue to grab my camera and head after her. She was gracious enough to allow me to get all up in her personal space to take these fabulous pics of her twist out take down.

The end result was gorgeous! Once the twists were taken down, she pretty much left them alone so the Orlando humidity could work its magic. She even allowed us to touch her hair which was buttery soft to the touch.

I did a caruso set on dry hair which gave me large waves. This time I added a couple drops of ACV to the water to help with the pH balance and seal the cuticle so I could combat some of the 100% humidity. I was sweating even before I got to the hotel room. At first I waited by the pool, the walked the property to find out where she was staying and I couldn't believe how well my curls handled all of that. Sure the dropped a little but they maintained their dignity the entire night!

Stay tuned for part II of this post where I'm on location at the Mizani Event.........

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