
A (better) technique for massaging the scalp

You guys already know that I'm a huge fan of scalp massages. They are so good for us in so many ways. Any part of the body that receives increased circulation thrives as nutrient rich blood floods that area. When nutrient rich blood is directed to the scalp, your hair reaps the rewards. Your hair follicles are the direct recipients of this rush of blood flow and soon you begin to notice your hair growing thicker as a result.

Lately, I've tried to be on my game when it comes to scalp massages. Unfortunately (or fortunately), the amount of new growth I have makes it a little more difficult to reach the scalp and make a huge impact. While I absolutely love my hand held plastic massager, sometimes I prefer methods that can get more done in less time. I know the plastic massager will work wonders on troubled areas such as the crown or nape, but I also felt like I needed an all over massage technique that could be done fairly quickly.

One thing that really concerned me about traditional scalp massages is how much manipulation is involved. I've always wanted to have an auyervedic massage done complete with all of the oils and spices. In fact, after posting this video last year, I found a local place in the area that performs this type of treatment. Sadly, because of my fear of coming out of the process with a boat-load of tangles, I can only enjoy by way of a video. I even had to forgo those heavenly scalp scrubs at the Dominican Salon because of the insane amount of tangles they would create just before running a small tooth comb thru my hair.

Well now I'm happy to say that I've found another way of massage that is still very effective and covers a large area. Best of all, you are barely manipulating the hair so there's no fear of negative side effects. This technique is one used by clients prior to undergoing a hair transplant. In order to create a "lax" scalp, and in an attempt to have the patient produce more samples available for grafting, he/she is encouraged to massage the scalp for several weeks prior to treatment. I've tried this technique for the first time last night and I was really impressed at how stimulated my scalp felt afterwards. I'll be sharing two short videos with you to help you visually see the process. The first vid is meant detailed instruction of the process, the second video is short demonstration.

Because most transplant clients tend to have hair positioned near the back of the head, these videos tend to focus on that area. When you perform these techniques, feel free to move about the entire scalp concentrating on any particular areas of concern. I love this method because my entire head feels stimulated in such a short period of time and it's by far one of the easiest, hair friendly scalp massage techniques I've seen. Give it a try tonight and see how easy it is. Give it a try for 60 days and see how healthy it is for your hair.

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